Wednesday, 2 March 2011

To Lauren

Can you do the historical examples and the cultural context that we discussed in a previous meeting.

- Ptolemy V
- Obelisks
- Steles


  1. have just finished it what should i do about my part of the presentation did you discuss this today i can email it to you or anyone else

  2. We finished making the presentation but I emailed Sasha your part of the slide show, i hope that was ok. It was just so we can fit it in with the rest of what we done today.

  3. Hey Group 2 - congratulations on completing your first cross-course collaborative research project! Lots of admirable, bold pronunciation of some very difficult names and complex vocab, and some broader contextualisation (Enlightenment/Washington Obelisk) in evidence. A very 'factual' presentation that would have benefit from a leaner structure and much, much, much less reliance on simply reading information off a sheet of paper. It was clear you'd done the research, but your presentation got very 'straight' and insular (not engaging audience) and this was largely due to the reliance on reading (as opposed to presenting). This is the aspect you'll want to address for the second symposia - much more animation, a lightness of touch and a leaner structuring of information. For example, just before you were gonged off, you were discussing the contemporary examples (which is a way to make the subject seem relevant for your audience), but you weren't able to get everything 'out there'. You can afford to be more confident, and less anchored to your notes!
